Charles Grandison Finney
1792 August 29 C. G. Finney's Birth
Day Warren, Litchfield County,
Connecticut 1794 Family Moved To Oneida County, New
York 1812 Finney Moved To Warren, Connecticut to live
with Uncle 1814 Finney Left
Connecticut Moved to New Jersey Taught in Public
Schools 1818 Returned to Henderson, Jefferson County, New
York Due to Mother's poor
health 1821 Studied Law At Wright and Wardwell Law
Offices, Adams New York 1821 October 10 Conversion to
Christ Adams, New York 1823 June 25 Began Preparation to be Licensed
by the Presbytery St. Lawrence Presbytery in Adams,
New York December 30 Licensed to Preach St. Lawrence Presbytery in Adams,
New York 1824 March 17 Commissioned as a Missionary by
the Female Missionary Society May 7 Discharged from the Local Masonic
Chapter May 7 ? Ordained Oneida Presbytery October 5 Married
Lydia Root Andrews Lydia was born March 8,
1804 1826 Began Preaching Revival in New
York Area Transferred to the Oneida
Presbytery? January Preached sermon "Can two Walk
Together Except They Be Agreed?" Troy, New York July 18 New Lebanon
Convention New Lebanon, New
York Conference on New Measures,
Revivals, etc., with Nettleton, Beecher, Finney,
etc. 1828 June 8 Daughter
Helen Clarissa 1828 Revival Preaching Philadelphia and New
York 1829 Revivals Continue German Reformed Church,
Philadelphia and Lancaster, Pennsylvania 1830 March 28 Son
Born: Charles
Beman 1830 Six Months of Revival
Services Rochester, New York "Rock of Ages" written by Thomas
Hastings 1831 Revival Meetings Auburn, Buffalo, and
Boston Preached "Sinners Bound to Change
Their Own Hearats" 1832 March 7 Son
Born: Frederic
Norton 1832 September 28 Began Pastorate Chatham Street Chapel, New York:
Also known as Second Free Church Contracted Cholera immediately
following service 1833 Spring Begins Preaching after Cholera
Recovery New York Oberlin Collegiate Institute Opens
with 100 Students 1834 Took Sea Voyage for his
health Mediterranean Sea,
Malta Sermons on Various Subjects
Published 1835 Accepted Position as Professor of
Theology at Oberlin, Ohio 1835 Friday Evening Lectures on Revival
of Religion Chatham Street Chapel, New
York 1835 December Lectures on Revival of Relilgion
Published New York Fire in December Destroys more
than 600 Buildings 1836 March 13 Resigns as Pastor Chatham Street Chapel, New
York 1836 April 10 Begins Pastorate Broadway Tabernacle Church, New
York 1836 Lectures to Professing Christians
begin each week Broadway Tabernacle Church, New
York Published Weekly in the New York
Evangelist 1837 March 16 Daughter
Born: Julia New York? 1837 April 6 Resigned as Pastor Broadway Tabernacle Church, New
York 1837 Lectures to Professing Christians
published in book form New York 1840 Skeletons of a Course of
Theological Lectures published Oberlin, Ohio 1840 Views of Sanctification
Published Oberlin, Ohio 1841 Daughter
Born: Sarah 1842 Preached Revivals Rochester, New York; Marlborough
Chapel in Boston; Providence, Rhode Island 1842 June 26 Sylvester Finney
(Father) 1843 March 9 Daughter Sarah
Died 1843 December Preached Marlborough Chapel in
Boston Experiences "Great
Enlargement" 1844 Through March Continues Preaching Marlborough Chapel,
Boston 1844 Daughter
Born: Delia Dies Sept 1, 1852 1844 First Servies as Pastor of the
First Congregational Church of Christ Oberlin, Ohio 1846 Lectures on Systematic Theology
(Vol 2) Written and Published Oberlin, Ohio 1847 Lectures on Systematic Theology
(Vol 3) written and Published Oberlin, Ohio 1847 December 17 Wife Lydia
Dies Oberlin, Ohio? 1848 Guide to The Savior
Published Oberlin, Ohio 1848 November 13 Finney marries
Mrs. Elizabeth Ford Atkinson of
Rochester, New York 1849 November Begins Preaching England 1850 All year Preaching England 1851 thru April Concludes preaching England One Volume of Systematic Theology
is published in England 1851 Augusst 26 Elected President of Oberlin
College Oberlin, Ohio 1851 Fall to April 1852 Preaches Revivals Broadway Tabernalce, New York;
Hartford, Connecticut; Brooklyn Plymouth Congregational
Church 1852 September 1 Daughter Delia
Dies 1855 Fall Revival Meetings Rochester, New York 1863 November 27 Second Wife
Elilzabeth Dies ? 1864 Marries Rebecca
Rayl She Dies September 12,
1907 1865 August Resigns as President of Oberlin
College 1869 The Character, Claims and
Practical Workings of Freemasonry Published ? 1871 November Spoke to the National
Congregational Council Oberlin, Ohio 1872 May Retired as Pastor of First
Congregational Church Oberlin, Ohio 1874 Spoke to the National
Congregational Church Oberlin, Ohio 1875 July Taught Last Pastoral Theology
Class Oberlin, Ohio 1875 August 16 Charles G. Finney
Dies Oberlin, Ohio