To Increase your Understanding of the Truth

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FINNEY 101 Discipleship Study Questions




1. The rest spoken of is not the rest of _____________________________.

2. Neither is it the _____________ rest of _______________ because he speaks of it as a________________ state.

3. The perfect rest of heaven includes ______________________ from all the ________________,

_________________, _________________ and ________________________ of this life.

4. Compared with heaven, the rest of the believer here may be substantially of the same _____________________.

5. Those who enter THIS rest:

A. _________________ from their warfare with _________________ .

B. Cease from their _______________ against the _______________________ .

C. ________________ from their war with their own __________________________ .

6. Two things are done away with: The _____________________ of conscience that kept them in

__________________, and the slavish __________________ of the ______________________ of God.

7. If the __________________ of faith is your own __________________, you have not ceased

from your own ________________, but are still ____________________________ them.

8. The rest spoken of in the text is _______________________ from this _______________ of works.

9. This rest is ceasing from our _______________. We cease to __________________________

MERELY _________________ our own _________________.

10. When are our works NOT our OWN works? When the question of our ____________________


11. Works are from ourselves when they result from the ____________, __________ principles of human nature,

such as ___________________________________, without the ________________ of the Holy Spirit.

Such works are _________________ and WHOLLY ______________________________.

12. The carnal, selfish mind acts when influenced by the conviction of _____________________________.

13. To enter into ____________ implies that we cease from _______________for ourselves. That is, he has

_____________himself so perfectly to _____________ that he has no work of ____________________ to do.

14. Until one feels that in ________________ he is without _________________, _______________, or

_______________ for salvation, he will NEVER _______________ of the _______________ of the Gospel.

15. The depth of _______________ to which ____________ has reduced us is not ____________________

until we know we are not able to ____________________ for _____________________.

16. Entering into ___________________ implies the yielding up of our powers so perfectly to His

______________ that from that point, ________________ our works will be His _________________.

17. Do NOT _________________ it now. The believer never acts upon ________________, neither does

Christ act in him _________________ his own _______________.

18. BUT ____________, by His Spirit ______________ in the believer, ____________________

and ______________ his MIND so that he acts __________________ to ____________GOD.

19. God influences the _________________, not by ______________ but by ________________.

20. Is our free will suspended? _______________

21. All works that are really good in man are, in an ______________ sense, ___________ works.

They are in one sense our works, because we ______________________. Yet they are His works because

He is the ______________________________________________ .

22. If we are _____________ by the Lord, he will not direct us to ______________. Just as far as we

___________________ up to God, we _________________ from _______________.

23. The Jews supposed that entering into the __________________ of ________________ was the true rest.

However, it was not the real rest promised, but was ______________________ of the true rest.

24. Believers enter into rest in ___________________________.

25. The true rest is the _________________________ in _________________________.

26. That the rest begins here is proved by present tense in the verse: "We which __________________________ .

27. It can be called the ___________-_____________ of the soul.

28. Matt 11:28-29 says: _________________________________________________________________ .

29. Faith __________________ breaks up _________________________.

30. Faith sets us ___________ from_______________ and other influences we formerly _________________.

31. The soul sees no ______________ for its own _______________ efforts.

32. Faith makes us ______________ from all works __________________ ourselves.

33. By faith the soul ____________ from all works performed _____________ itself.

34. Faith brings the mind under the influence of _________________, the same holy,

heavenly principle that _____________________________________.

35. Faith is an__________________ of the soul in ___________ for all that it ____________ or can _____________

36. The _______________ that ________________ the mind when it acts right are discerned by _____________.

Where there is no faith, there are no ________________ before the ______________ except those confined

to this world. The soul is then left to ____________________ up to the _______________.

37. The motives of __________________ are seen only by _____________. Mere _______________

and __________________ appetites can ___________ raise the _____________ above the things

of ___________________, and the result is -- the _____________________ of the _______________________

38. A man that ________________ in Christ has no more right to ________________ to ___________

than he has a right to expect to ______________________.

39. Nothing but ________________, in ANY ________________, is the _____________ of your _____________

40. As soon as the soul begins to ____________ the _______________ and the _______________ of Christ

to ___________ it in a state of perfect love, it begins to ___________________.

41. When all the ________________of the believer are used for the Lord Jesus Christ, this is _______________ .



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