To J. W. Feeter

4 February 1869


[MS in Finney Papers, Supplement # 170]


Finney received the following letter from J. W. Feeter of Feeter & Baker, 128 Broadway, New York:


New York, Feb 1st 1869

Mr Charles G. Finney

Oberlin, Ohio

Dear Sir, Mr Lauren Ford departed this life on the 10th January last past. At the request of Mr James K. Ford his son, I enclose herewith the assignment by you to Mr L. Ford, of your Judgment agt Samuel Wise for $2263.21 Nov 19, 1864, reinstating your own ownership of the Judgt, Mr J. K. Ford not desiring to take charge of it.

Mr L. Ford had been opposing Wise's discharge in Bankruptcy in U.S. Court on allegations of fraud by Wise. Mr Ford always believed Wise had placed his property in his wife's hands to defraud his creditors. Those proceedings are still pending - should you desire to oppose Wise discharge. The papers & any information I have I would cheerfully render

Mr Ford has been with me in the office.

(over) Yours Respectfully

J. W. Feeter


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All the papers in relation to the Bankruptcy proceeding are in my office, and I would deliver them to any person you may direct. I never examined the cause but know Mr Ford had considerable confidence - that he could prevent Wise, discharge.

please, acknowledge Receipt.


Finney's reply is as follows:


Copy. Oberlin 4th Feb, 1869.

J. W. Feeter Esq. Dr. Sir, I herewith return the

assignment you sent me. I have no doubt that Mr. Wise

intended to defraud me, but I did not propose to sue him

at law. L. Ford Esqr, was my Agent to let my building in

N. York, & under a power of Attorney to that effect, he comm

enced suit against Mr. Wise, a former tenant, to

recover unpaid rent. I was at that time in England

& did not order any proceedings against Mr. Wise.

When I returned from England Mr. Ford promised me that the

suit against Mr. Wise should, in no event, involve me

in any trouble or expense, & that he would secure

me against the payment of all costs. Mr. Ford obta

ined a judgment against Mr. Wise, but the execution

has returned 'Non Est' of course. Mr. Ford

then insisted that either that I should pay

his costs or allow proceedings to be commenced against

Mr Wise, to show that he was guilty of fraud in putting

his property into the hands of his wife. I refused to be

a party to any such suit, & finally transferred the

judgment against Mr. Wise to Mr. Ford. In the mean

time I had appointed another agent & annulled

the power of attorney held by Mr. Ford.

I have a duplicate of the assignment you sent me,

& also Mr. Fords assurance that my name should

not be used in any proceedings he might commence again

against Mr. Wise. The assignment was made upon con

dition that, in no event, should I be subject to any

cost on account of any further legal proceedings against

Mr. Wise. I do not wish to have any thing to do with this business.

I am not a party to in the proceedings against Mr. Wise, & do not wish

to be. As Mr. Fords representative, Mr. James Ford will, of course,

do as he likes. I have known nothing of the matter since I made

the assignment of the Judgment to Mr. Ford. (over)


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Please return the assignment to Mr. James

Ford with the assurance of my sympathy

in his afflictions, & my best wishes for the

restoration of his health.

C. G. Finney