The Oberlin Evangelist

October 9, 1850


Rev. C. G. Finney in England.

The Editor of the British Banner continues to give sketches of Prof. Finney's labors in the Tabernacle, London. August 14th, it was stated that his labors were about to close, and arrangements to that effect had been actually made; but the Banner of August 28th, says that so much interest and encouragement existed, that he was solicited and persuaded to prolong his labors. The Editor says that "the results up to this time have been such as to yield no common satisfaction, and to inspire no ordinary expectation." The number of inquirers is great, amounting to more than 1,000; "far above a hundred have offered themselves for the fellowship of the church," and this is supposed to be a small proportion of all who have been converted under his ministrations. "The occasions" in which persons are invited to meet together for special instruction, "increase in interest as they advance. Never has it been our lot to witness an excitement upon spiritual subjects so intense, and we believe never was excitement more genuine and legitimate; there is not in it the slightest element of the spurious; it is the simple result of truth pressed home with earnestness and affection upon the heart. False fire there is none; all audible expression of emotion is suppressed. It is with Mr. Finney a first principle, that from first to last, the instrument with which men are to be moved is, the truth. Never man had less of the clap-trap, the meretricious, or the enthusiastic. He has what may be deemed peculiarities--it may be some extravagances--both in thought and in expression; but these are only as the dust in the balance--things unworthy of mention, were it not that there may be, as in similar cases there have been, individuals ever ready, wantonly, enviously, or maliciously to misrepresent, to exaggerate, and to detract--individuals whose jaundiced eye fixes upon a real or imaginary spot, while utterly blind to the most transcendent and dazzling excellence. In dealing with the ungodly, Mr. Finney has no superior; for certain classes it may be doubted whether he has an equal--none such, at least, have we known. His addresses to the church as not less remarkable, when his object is to search, to probe, to convince of neglect, and impel to action."


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