The Oberlin Evangelist

March 30, 1853

The Work in Syracuse


The Religious Recorder, of Syracuse, March 17 says,


"We are permitted to state, in reference to our own city, that the religious interest attending Rev. Mr. Finney's labors is still increasing. The peculiarity of the case is, that both Mr. Finney's labors and their success have been almost entirely confined to professed Christians. Many of those in the Congregational Church and two central Presbyterian Churches, have been greatly quickened and confirmed. Not large numbers of the unconverted have attended the meetings, though the attendants of this class are lately more numerous, and several interesting cases of conversion have taken place. It is quite apparent that the good influences that have prevailed in these churches have been greatly hindered by the fact that neither of them have a Pastor. Much good, we trust has been done, but the large mass of people love to honor a recognized pastor in times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord."

The intelligence which we have received from other sources gives a higher estimate of the results, in the line of conversions. However the facts may be on this point, it is cause of great joy, if the nominal Christians of Syracuse "have been greatly quickened and confirmed." We can conceive of nothing else that would be so great a blessing to the thousands and tens of thousands who are named and numbered in our American Zion.


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